Project Inc KS3 & KS4

Create Inc.
  • One or two days per week placement
  • Learning through making, developed and delivered by qualified teachers (GCSE, A-Level)
  • SENCo approved learning plans, experienced SEMH
    and pastoral support
  • Senior leader liaison with school and multi-agency
    teams where necessary
  • Arts Award Centre for delivery and verification of
  • Progress tracking with a half-termly comprehensive
Create Inc. +
  • 3 days per week placement partnering with ‘Vision for Education’ to include Maths & English.

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SKU: N/A Category:


Project Inc. provides Alternative Creative Learning for KS3 & KS4.
We deliver a Creative Curriculum within an alternative setting, for students who will make
positive progress exploring Art, Design and Creativity. Students are referred by their School or
Local Authority to access learning on a medium or long-term arrangement. Our purposeful
programmes demonstrate progress in attendance, attainment and wellbeing.